
Lucrative Exits
The No BS Guide to Selling Your Business for its Highest Value

In "Guiding Your Exit Strategy," Gregg Kunz expertly leads you through the process of envisioning and attaining a rewarding and profitable departure from your life's work, tackling the common fears and uncertainties that plague many business owners. From unraveling the true worth of your business to surmounting emotional and practical obstacles, this book serves as the ultimate guide for those eager to embark on the next phase. With straightforward language, Kunz offers invaluable insight into the exit journey, assuring business owners that success is attainable for everyone.

Advice from Industry Expert Gregg Kunz

Gregg Kunz boasts a wealth of experience as both an entrepreneur and a business luminary, having launched and steered multiple ventures to prosperous conclusions. Armed with a BA in Business and Languages from the University of Arizona, Gregg commenced his career journey in the bustling metropolis of New York. There, his adept leadership and strategic acumen swiftly propelled him from sales positions to senior executive roles. Transitioning seamlessly into entrepreneurship, he left an indelible mark on the business brokerage landscape, garnering acclaim as a distinguished authority.
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Learn the Ins and Outs of the Business Sale Process

Gregg equips you with effective strategies to confront confidentiality concerns, challenges that erode value, and identity crises head-on. Drawing from a wealth of personal experience, he offers empathetic advice, guiding you through a proven process that demystifies what many business owners perceive as overly complex. The outcome? Enhanced clarity and confidence, empowering business owners to take decisive action and optimize the value of their most precious asset.

Delve into essential topics such as sale preparation, valuation, marketing, and finalizing the deal. However, this book goes beyond mere technicalities; it empowers you to stride confidently towards the life you've envisioned post-business—a tranquil retirement or an exhilarating new venture.

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Success Stories from Gregg Kunz

We feel very lucky to have found RMBA and to get their help evaluating our business. The RMBA team has been thorough, practical and clearly understandable. We recommend RMBA.

Lenny Herzog

The RMBA Team was very professional and knowledgeable about the market and the business he was selling. I would highly recommend RMBA.

Robert Sweeney

Rocky Mountain Business Advisors were great to work with. Quickly answered emails and phone calls. So helpful with every aspect of purchasing my new business.


The RMBA team did an awesome job presenting valuation data to my client! They were factual and honest, did not hold back with the less than comfortable truth, but was seen as definitely "on our side". Their inputs opened up some great strategic discussions on where we need to go next.

Dean Miller

I am so pleased that Rocky Mountain Business Advisors represented my company throughout the entire process of selling my business. This was my first business to sell, and it could not have gone better. The RMBA Team was out ahead and in front of every part of the transaction. I never had to try to figure out any aspect of what to do next. In addition, they always gave me plenty of notice and direction prior to deadlines and necessary benchmarks, to keep the transaction moving forward smoothly...

Tim Wass

As a business owner trying to sell a business, it was daunting trying to figure out all the nuances and considerations that needed to be addressed for the sale. The trust factor is huge and we wanted to be sure that we were in the hands of a real professional who understood the importance of the outcome, someone who would dig deep into the details, had a sense of urgency, and could be depended upon to act in our best interest, while also being mindful of the tax impact on the sale. We found Rocky Mountain Business Advisors were able address those concerns and assisted us is the successful sale of our business. Thanks RMBA!

Sue Fuqua

Gregg is an outstanding advisor! He is willing to listen and truly understand before giving an honest opinion. He understands the business sales landscape and how to get buyers to move. I wouldn't think twice about using Gregg to sell my next business. Thank you Gregg!

Matthew Gibson

Gregg was an incredible resource for me as I work through the sale of my business. Being a small business owner, he understood the nuances of what I was trying to achieve with my sale. He took time to give me valuable information, talk me through the process, and ultimately allow me to try and make the sale on my own. He is not greedy and understood that helping me in this way would benefit me more in the long run than him putting my business on the market. He's more than a great guy! He's a kind, understanding, and passionate human being! There should be more Gregg's in this world! I could not recommend him more after our conversations and the experience I had working with him. 5 Stars are not enough!

Dustin Farmer

Gregg Kunz was the critical factor in finding a qualified a buyer for the assets of the business, and getting the transaction over the finish line, There were many complicating factors that could have easily derailed the sale, but Gregg patiently worked with buyer and seller to move the process ahead. His attention to detail was at times tedious for a creative thinker like me, but he helped guide me through the steps that were necessary in getting the deal done, something I could never have done on my own. Gregg is honest and genuinely cares about the person he is working with. Trust him to do what's right for YOU!

Tom Brock

I had the recent pleasure of working with Rocky Mountain Business Advisors to sell my business. I couldn’t be happier with the results. Gregg is an absolute rock start in the world of business brokerage. He worked very hard to promote my business and find the right buyer to carry on my company’s traditions and legacy. I would highly recommend Rocky Mountain Business Advisors if you serious about selling your business.

Brian Micciulli

Working with Gregg was an absolute pleasure. Gregg is hard working, professional and always looking out for your best interest and for the best interest of the potential buyer. Gregg is honest, direct and has incredible intuition. He leaves no stone unturned and works tirelessly to help you find success. Unfortunately, I was unable to sell my business in the time that I worked with Gregg. In hindsight, I should've listed my business when I first met with Gregg, however, I waited about a year following our first meeting to list. I believe we could've been successful if we had more time (my lease and FA expired). What I appreciated most about Gregg was he knew I wasn't quite ready to list and he didn't pressure me to do so. He was very upfront with me and said he wanted to do what was best for me and make sure I felt confident in my decision before I listed. Gregg has continued to follow up even after my business closed. He is incredibly loyal and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to work with him. I only wish I would've given him more time to help me sell because I truly believe he would've been successful. If you are in the market to sell or purchase a business, Gregg is the best man for the job.

Leslie Clay